Dentures in NE Calgary

Dentures Near You

Dentures are a unique type of structure; not only do they vastly improve the functionality of one’s smile, but a patient’s self-confidence too.

The treatment is not exclusive to a particular demographic despite what Hollywood may tell you; anyone can lose teeth, and everyone deserves to have a smile that works for them.

Contact us here at Falconridge Dental to learn more about dentures near you.

Dentures Near You

What are Dentures?

Essentially, dentures are artificial teeth attached to a gum base. The teeth are typically fashioned from resin so that they closely resemble your natural ones; the base is made from acrylic.

Depending on the type of oral restoration you require, there are a few different variants of dentures that your dentist can provide you: fixed, removable, or partial. Fixed and removable dentures are recommended to patients who have lost all their teeth, while partial dentures are provided to those who are only missing a few teeth.

When your dentist deems you a suitable candidate for dentures in NE Calgary, impressions will be taken of your mouth This ensures that the structure will fit you properly and won’t wiggle around or even fall out.

Make sure you let your dental team know if you have any questions.

Dentures in NE Calgary

Benefits of Wearing Dentures

  • They dramatically improve the look of your smile. In turn, you’ll feel more confident too.
  • Help maintain your facial structure by preventing your cheeks and lips from sagging.
  • They allow you to eat and drink as you normally would.
  • It’s an effective, long-lasting solution.
  • It’ll boost your oral health.

Ready to Get Started?

Looking to acquire dentures near you? Come into our local dental clinic and set up an appointment today. Our team will help you kickstart your dental journey and be here to guide you every step of the way. Call or email us today!
